Giant’s Causeway

Three people in two pushed together beds led for a horrible nights sleep but hey, like I said…ADVENTURE! At least we had a decent shower since the one at the cottage had difficulty deciding whether or not it wanted to be hot or cold. And then we were off to Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland.

The tour was beautiful and of course we took a ton of pictures and videos. Having talked to several people and Camille and Annemarie having been to Cliffs of Moher as well…this was apparently better. Like all of Ireland, it was absolutely stunning and fun hearing all of the old Finn McCool stories…you know? The Giant with the 80 foot camel? Oh you don’t? Well Here’s his boot and camel. I know, you’re super impressed.

We were going to go to Carrick-a-rede rope bridge but decided we wanted to try and make it back to Belfast with enough time to go to the Titanic museum where there was a debate on whether or not “titantic” was a word…google clarified that it was not…

We got there with a little over an hour to explore the enormous museum that clearly would have taken hours and cost about $20USD to enter…we decided to save our money and instead take pictures around the museum and Nomadic (Titanic’s little sister) and pretend like we had the experience because if the pictures show it, it happened! And you can’t tell us it didn’t because other than this blog, how would you know?

See? Looks legit.

Then we began the long drive home. Camille immediately passed out in the backseat while Annemarie and I belted out harmonies and wrong words to old school punk rock. Looking back-I have no idea how Camille was sleeping. After driving a total of 6 hours that day…on the wrong side of the road…we were back at the cottage where Ken proceeded to tell us about the ghost in the cottage…not cool Ken.

So apparently while we were gone, Ken bathed in our incredibly indecisive shower and felt a hand press down on his shoulder from behind, when he turned around…no one was there! Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn….like I said from the beginning…HAUNTED!!!

The three musicians had a writers round that night in Tullamore so we all hopped in the car and headed that direction. At the pub, this random guy approached us because apparently we looked like Americans and he was from NY, grateful that his group were not the only foreigners. He seemed quite smitten with Camille-they hit it off and were chatting it up. Then he brought his group of friends over-two were Scottish and one from Egypt. Camille started playing and as I was talking to them, the Egyptian kid was telling us how he’s a beatboxer. I was all “that’s awesome! So is Camille!” Who was playing at the time. “You should have a beatbox battle with her after!” I have no idea if she instigated it after her first song or how it came about but suddenly on the Mics, a beatbox battle began to ensue and it was hands down the most entertaining evening we had had so far.


So Camille is chatting it up with Patrick (the handsome American from NY-not featured in the pic) and i’m talking to his friends who are very intoxicated and having to repeat themselves since their Scottish accents were slowly growing thicker when they asked how old I was and of course I stated 25. They were like 20-21…all of them…including Patrick. NBD usually…except Camille is 34 lol. Poor Patrick, he truly found the most amazing, perfect woman and she is 14 years older than him.

But really she is perfect…and available…just saying guys 😉

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